Environmental, Social & Governance

COP28: Navigating Controversy & Bridging the ESG Gap

Purpose& Viewpoint - SME News Service

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties – COP28 – commenced on 30th November, and is already creating controversy within the ESG community.

Even in its first few days, the conference appears to have become a battleground for discussions on the widening gap between ambitious climate commitments and the practical challenges faced by nations and corporations.

Above all else, the persistent issue of 'greenwashing' looms large, as business leaders and heads of state grapple with the urgent need for drastic action to combat global warming.

The promise-reality gap

The urgency to address climate change has never been more pressing, yet the paradox persists – promises are made, but actions fall short. The ambitious targets set at previous COP events have proven impractical for many countries, hindering their ability to fulfil commitments.

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This discrepancy between intent and action is exacerbated by a myriad of challenges, including severe weather events, geopolitical tensions, and economic instability. And, amidst the urgency of the climate crisis, one unfortunate theme that has begun to emerge at COP28 is 'blamestorming.'

Rather than collaboratively working towards solutions, nations and corporations appear to be quick to point accusatory fingers at each other.

Naturally, this blame game is counterproductive, as it diverts attention and resources away from the pressing need to find practical, sustainable, and economically viable solutions. But what should delegates really be discussiong?

Addressing the root causes

To break free from the cycle of unfulfilled promises and finger-pointing, it is essential to address the root causes hindering progress. Severe weather events, geopolitical tensions, and economic instability are not merely barriers to action; they are symptoms of a planet in distress.

Tackling these issues head-on could initiate a virtuous circle, where addressing environmental challenges leads to improved geopolitical stability and economic resilience.

The role of AI and ‘big data’

One of the focal points of debate at COP28 will undoubtedly feature the emerging advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) and ‘big data’, and the transformative role that they could play in moderating climate change.

The integration of advanced technologies has the power to assist countries and corporations in their environmental initiatives, ranging from recycling and energy usage to waste management and water preservation.

AI and big data analytics offer the potential to revolutionise climate change mitigation efforts, for instance via predictive modelling for extreme weather events, enabling better preparedness and response strategies.

Machine learning algorithms can also optimise energy consumption, reducing carbon footprints and fostering sustainable practices across industries.

Smart solutions need to be affordable

In the realm of ESG initiatives, AI and big data can serve as powerful tools for companies aiming to make a positive impact. Advanced analytics can streamline supply chains, identify areas for energy efficiency improvements, and enhance recycling processes.

By harnessing the power of data, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their environmental goals. Doing all of this in a joined-up manner – with consistent reporting, risk mitigation and seasonal/event-led adjustments – remains a challenge, but as ever, data scientists are finding ways of managing this more effectively.

Crucially, AI and big data has to become more accessible, more configurable and more affordable – and here, we suspect, significant debate will remain for some time to come.


As COP28 unfolds, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for a shift from blamestorming to collaborative problem-solving. The gap between promises and actions must be bridged, and the potential of AI and big data harnessed to usher in a new era of sustainable practices.

The challenges are immense, but the opportunities for positive change are equally significant.

Purpose/& believes is time for nations and corporations to rise above the blame game and embrace practical, sustainable, and economically viable solutions for the benefit of our planet and future generations.

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