Environmental, Social & Governance

COP28 will Concentrate on Providing the Global South with Concrete Results

SME News Service

At the G77+ China Ministers and High Authorities of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation conference in Havana on Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development, President-Delegate H.E. Dr. Sultan Al Jaber delivered a virtual address.

Dr Al Jaber emphasised the necessity of reforming international financial institutions (IFIs) and climate funding in his speech. The COP28 Presidency is committed to addressing this issue in a meaningful way, he said, noting that finances are the single biggest barrier to achievement.

"The G77 offers a crucial forum for the Global South to present a unified voice on the crucial problem of climate change because it represents 80% of the world's population. The impacts, which are primarily felt in the Global South, make that voice even more crucial today," according to Dr. Al Jaber.

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The President-Designate added that COP28 will "fast track a just energy transition that triples renewables, doubles hydrogen production, and increases energy efficiency while phasing down the use of fossil fuels,"

This will deliver an action plan that is both ambitious and realistic, "focused on results that address the needs of the Global South."

"We must maintain socioeconomic development while preserving energy security, affordability, and accessibility."

We need to treble funding to US$40 billion, he said, in order to fund a truly global early warning system that is based on the most cutting-edge technologies.

According to Dr. Al Jaber, the purpose of COP28 will be to reduce risk by enlisting the private sector and unlocking trillions of dollars in climate finance.

Dr. Al Jaber informed the assembled dignitaries that COP28 will address the implications of climate change and livelihoods by putting food, health, and nature at the core of COP.

He noted that at COP27, "The unity of the G77 was key to delivering a historic outcome on Loss & Damage. Indeed, by advocating for cohesion and solidarity during the negotiations, the G77 countries can aid us in each of the critical areas."

Dr. Al Jaber provided additional details about the approaching occasion, stating that "COP28 will be the first COP to host a G77 conference. We kindly request that you make use of this venue to design ambitious outcomes and quick action."

He ended by urging everyone to come together, take action, and deliver: "Let us work together to pave the way towards an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future for all."

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