Countries Present Climate Ambition and Action at COP27

Countries Present Climate Ambition and Action at COP27

In this new era of implementation, we will be holding people to account – be they Presidents, Prime Ministers or CEOs: Simon Stiell
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At the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm-el Sheikh, eleven countries from Africa, Asia, Europe and South America demonstrated how they are strengthening efforts in addressing climate change and showcased their achievements at the Facilitative Sharing of Views (FSV).

This final step of the international consultation and analysis (ICA) process for non-Annex I Parties (mostly developing countries) is critical to enhancing transparency in the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, emission reduction actions, as well as support needed and received.

Emission reduction efforts discussed focused mainly on the energy, transport, forest and waste sectors, predominantly showing a continuous push to increase renewables and decarbonize energy production.

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UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell said: “Transparency will be at the heart of everything. In this new era of implementation, we will be holding people to account – be they Presidents, Prime Ministers or CEOs.”

Transparency is imperative for building trust among countries and monitoring progress towards achieving the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global average temperature rise to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

The FSV process serves as a foundation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement.

Under the ETF, developing countries will report information necessary to track progress in implementing their national climate action plans under the Paris Agreement, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

This year, Liberia and Uzbekistan along with Jordan, Morocco and Togo, completed their first and second ICA cycle, respectively. Armenia, Ghana, North Macedonia, Paraguay and Viet Nam completed their third cycle and Andorra its fourth.

These eleven countries are ambitiously adopting innovative strategies, regulations and policies and rolling out projects that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

During a two-day event at COP27, they shared their climate actions, experiences and lessons learned from the ICA process and showcased ambitious mitigation actions in the energy, transport, waste and agriculture sectors.

These included efforts to reduce emissions produced from domestic mobility by promoting the use of public transport and bicycles and transitioning to the use of electric vehicles to achieve carbon neutrality.

In the agriculture sector, measures showcased included applying good practices in annual crop production, improving livestock management and enhancing water management in rice cultivation.

Several ambitious wind and solar power projects and initiatives to prevent deforestation and forest degradation were also presented at the event.

Read More: Focus on Solutions Concludes COP27’s Thematic Days Program

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